Matcha Colada with Applelixir with Apple Cider Vinegar, Matcha Tea, Spirulina and Mint

Matcha Colada with Applelixir with Apple Cider Vinegar, Matcha Tea, Spirulina and Mint

60ml Pineapple juice
60ml Coconut milk
30ml water
1 tsp matcha tea powder
15ml brown sugar syrup (optional, add more or less depending on your taste)
15ml Applelixir with Apple Cider Vinegar, Macha tea, Spirulina and Mint
Crushed ice
Pineapple slices

Suggested match

Applelixir with Apple Cider Vinegar, Matcha Tea, Spirulina and Mint



Iniziare raffreddando i bicchieri mettendoli nel congelatore o riempiendoli con ghiaccio e acqua per qualche minuto, quindi svuotarli prima di preparare il cocktail. In un frullatore, aggiungere il succo d'ananas, il latte di cocco, l'acqua, la polvere di tè matcha, lo sciroppo di zucchero di canna (se lo stai usando) e Applelixir con Aceto di Mele, Te Matcha, Spirulina e Menta. Aggiungere una generosa manciata di ghiaccio tritato nel frullatore. Frullare tutti gli ingredienti fino a ottenere una consistenza liscia e omogenea. Versare il cocktail nei bicchieri preparati.

Guarnire ogni bicchiere con una fetta d'ananas.

To start, chill the glasses either by placing them in the freezer or filling them with ice and water for a few minutes, then empty them before preparing the cocktail.
In a blender, combine the pineapple juice, coconut milk, water, matcha tea powder, brown sugar syrup (if desired) and Applelixir with Apple Cider Vinegar, Macha tea, Spirulina and Mint.
Once all ingredients are in the blender, add a generous handful of crushed ice.

Blend everything together until smooth and well combined.

Finally, pour the cocktail into the chilled glasses and garnish each glass with a slice of pineapple.

Wholesome harmony.
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Wholesome harmony.
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With its tangy aroma and distinctive flavor, Carandini apple cider vinegar doesn’t just taste good.
Thanks to its many healthy properties, it’s also an elixir of well-being. Try it once, love it forever.

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Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

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